Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Big Blast, Bloody Bath

Unity and Faith, Peace and Progress? If by now you have no idea about the bombings in Nigeria, it means you live under a rock. I thought it was high time I gave my spiel about everything. A lot of the bombings have been claimed by Boko Haram. The group has claimed 14 attacks so far this year. I am not a nah sayer that the group doesnt not exist. My concern is how much is Boko Haram actually responsible for.

Remember December, 2009 and Mutallab? Nigerians were so outspoken, in total disgust and disbelieve a Nigerian would be a role player in such a despicable act. Now fast forward to fall of last year independence celebration and the months preceding the elections, everything in between is a dark history that has become our reality.

It seems killing innocent lives and putting the fragile security of the nation in jeopardy is the new political weapon. Some disgruntled politicians believe to undermine the current administration capabilities ( which is no doubt questionable) is to be a threat to our security. This is unfortunate and pathetic.  Whatever their repulsive plans are, its definitely not for our good. This is not the way democracy ought to be. It was not designed to kill its people.  I hope the madness stops before it gets out of control.

We celebrated another anniversary this Saturday and people's anxiety could be felt. The uncertainty the bombings have caused is unfair and barbaric. Even if it were for a noble cause, killing of innocent lives and depriving families and children their dreams and opportunities should not be the price. It is wrong. May God of creation direct our noble cause and Guide our leaders right.


  1. you know sometimes i wonder if this people have blood in their veins because killing your fellow human for no just cause or for your beliefs its totally absurd and

  2. yeah it would never make sense to me either. thanks for your comment :) we can only keep working towards an overhaul of the present system.
